I found my old laptop from college and tried logging in. Couldn’t remember my password! Find out how I managed to figure it out…
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Mandelbrot sets have fascinated me since I was 14. I traditionally wrote my own programs to generate the fractal. Today I decided to purchase Fractal XTreme, a professionally written program for Mandelbrot sets. It blew me away.
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I just found the very first website I built using GeoCities. Here’s what I learned looking back on it.
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I now have more indepth experience with the Hugo Static Site Generator.
This post will be a collection of things I learned, and solutions to issues I encountered.
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I built a Mandelbrot Set Explorer using Javascript Web Workers and HTML5 Canvas. It’s one of my favorite software projects!
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I built my own charting library using D3.js. This is an extension from my experience working on NVD3 at Novus Partners!
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